

If you happen to have any extra fabric or old t-shirts lying around, don't let them go to waste! Fabric necklaces are a great way to jazz up a look and are super simple to make. They add some nice texture to an outfit without feeling like you're wearing a 200 pound boa constrictor around your neck (like many of my beloved chunky beaded necklaces with which I have a love/hate relationship.)

Here's what you'll need:
- an old t-shirt (I used the sleeves of an old tie-dyed long sleeve tee)
- three long strips of fabric (about a yard long, depending upon how long you want the necklace)
- chain, beads, pearls, ribbon, etc. for accent

TOTAL COST: Free (if using an old t-shirt) - about $2.00 (for chain, metal ring, etc.)

First I'll start with the bib necklace because it's a bit trickier. I cut off the sleeves of an old tie-dyed t-shirt (you can cut off strips from the bottom of a t-shirt) and made 8 strips about equal length (pictured is a white t-shirt for demonstration sake...easier to see.)

Next, you'll make two braided pieces that will go around your neck, so make the braids as long as you want before the bib portion. You may want to tie the braids on a ring or other sort of clasp (as pictured in the tie-dyed version) or you can tie the ends together. When each braid is as long as you want it, tie two of the three pieces in a knot so the braid doesn't come undone.



Tie a piece from each of the two braids together to connect the braids. Tie on the extra two strips of fabric to the connecting piece between the braids.

Now, just keep knotting random strips of fabric to build the bib portion. Make sure you're connecting strips across the whole width of the necklace so that all of the strips of fabric get utilized and the bib sticks together (see progress below.)

Tuck in or cut the ends of fabric, and your finished product should look like this!


Phew! After completing the bib necklace, this next one will be a walk in the park. I used the ends of a piece of fabric that I didn't need and a leftover piece of chain from other projects (see chain gang.)

Cut three thin strips of fabric about a yard in length. Next, cut a piece of chain (beads, ribbon, whatever you like) the same length as the fabric. Tie the three pieces of fabric and accent piece (chain) in a knot and start braiding. To end the necklace I just made one big cluster*beep* knot (keepin' it clean for the kiddos.) You can use a ring like in the tie-dyed necklace if you prefer a different look. I figured that my long locks will cover the knot so I didn't sweat it.

Voila! From scraps to adornments in a matter of minutes.

Song to get you going: Ruby Suns - Kenya Dig It?


1 comment:

  1. The top one reminds me of unweaving the rainbow. Perfect.
